No Arsenal Shirts to be Seen

30 May 2019

A quiet and sad day in Baku for me and other Gooners who had had such high hopes. But the result was what it was and now I had a couple of days to have a better look around Baku and to have yet another kebab for lunch! 😂

 We took a walk down towards the seafront. It was a quiet morning and there was not an Arsenal shirt to be seen, but more Chelsea shirts than we seen outside of the stadium all week! Suddenly it seems, the city had gone from Red to Blue. Another thing we noticed is the number of police/security people had dropped dramatically. Walking past the Fan Festival areas, the dismantling of it was well underway. Some of the inflatable items were looking just like we were feeling....deflated!


We took in the sights

The weather was also reflective of our mood!

We even took a trip on an electric Venetian-esque gondola

And there is a carpet museum

And someone was not going to launch their amazing milkshake at the nearest politician, too good to waste!

Time for more drinks......


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