The long trek to Baku

27th May 2019

It is 04:00 local time in Tbilisi, Georgia and the airport is full of life....well, nearly full of life as I can barely keep my eyes open. Another 4 hours at least until we can check in for the final, and thankfully, short flight to our final destination, Baku.

Flights on Pegasus Airlines were  relatively uneventful apart from 1 hour 45 minute delay leaving Stansted. One of life's irritations is being sat on a plane going nowhere and not being told why.

I managed to get in nearly 3 episodes of Line of Duty while my erstwhile travelling companion had his ears blagged off by a Chelsea fan sat between us...despite my best efforts I could still hear Chelsea fan through my noise cancelling headphones!

Keep having football chants popping up in my head and  then humming them randomly in the three airports used so far!

Now watching the European election results coming through, through bleary eyes...not a good night for some! Let's more than hope that the result on Wednesday/early Thursday morning is enough to keep chatty Chelsea fans quiet for the trip home. 🤔


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